Thursday, February 23, 2012

Still chugging along.

I haven't really been in the blogging mood lately. Everything has been super busy the entire month of Feb and by the time I sit down to play on the computer I really don't have anything to say on here. Valentines was great at the shop, we were very busy and also had a ton of funeral work at the same time that made for a late, late, late night before Vday. I did paperwork the rest of the week and then on Mon started a temporary job taping paper to folders. It's super hard and requires so much brain power that if Kady had thumbs she could totally do it. I'm not complaining, it's a job and I'll get paid real money. Hopefully enough to cover bills for a few months. I'm thankful that my bills aren't very much so I'm in a really hard place yet. I'm still hoping that magical full time job will find me soon. I'm still putting applications out there but no bites yet.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Things I *don't* have to worry about!

Sometimes in all the lists of things you have to worry about it's nice to acknowledge the things that you *don't* need to worry about! I've been thinking about going back to school this fall and what I should major in when I go back. I realized that for financial aid I would need this years tax return and since I don't know if I'll be able to get it from N and I also know we made too much money for me to get an aid that it would be better for me to wait until 2013 to start school. I also don't have to worry about getting financial aid next year because it's very unlikely that I'll make over $40,000 this year! Skadoosh! Another thing I don't have to worry about! It's nice to have some things crossed off the list! School has been stressing me out slightly because I have a few things in mind but no solid idea of my future plans. Building a new future is scary, it's nice when something seems to fall into place.